July 13, 2019
Below are the revisions to the Illinois Dental Practice Act regarding the Public Health Dental Hygienist Definition and Training
Definition of Public Health Dental Hygienist
“Public health dental hygienist” means a hygienist who holds a valid license to practice in the State has 2 years of full-time clinical experience or an equivalent of 4,000 hours of clinical experience and has completed at least 42 clock hours of additional structured courses in dental education in advanced areas specific to public health dentistry.
“Public health setting” means a federally qualified health center; a federal. State, or local public health facility; Head Start; a special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) facility; or a certified school-based health center of school-based oral health program.
“Public health supervision” means the supervision of a public health dental hygienist by a licensed dentist who has a written public health supervision agreement with that public health dental hygienist while working in a n approved facility or program that allows the public health dental hygienist to treat patients, without a dentist first examining the patient and being present in the facility during treatment, (1) who are eligible for Medicaid or (2) who are uninsured and whose household income is not greater than 200% of the federal poverty level.
Sec. 13.5. Training programs for public health dental hygienists.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon becoming law.
400 E. Randolph St., Suite 3115
Chicago, IL 60601(800) 550-4342www.idha.netmail@idha.net© 2025 IDHA – Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association