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CALL TO ACTION for PHDH scope of practice settings

8 Mar 2021 3:29 PM | Anonymous

Take action now and encourage your Illinois House Representative and Senator to support these bills to expand the practice settings of the Public Health Dental Hygienist! 

HB3068 is a bill adding Prisons as an additional PHDH practice setting.
HB3087 is a bill that adds Mobile Dental Vans as a PHDH practice setting.
Please call and/or email your Illinois State Representative today and ask them to SUPPORT or CO-SPONSOR these bills. Having additional Representatives as bill co-sponsors provides a stronger case for our legislation when it is being heard in a committee hearing.
Attached below are separate fact sheets to provide your Representative to support the additional practice settings.
Mobile Vans Fact Sheet
Prisons Fact Sheet
Use this link to find your IL State Representative. Please email to their Springfield address. 

Here is a sample email that you can use to send to your Representative.

Please help to spread the word to fellow colleagues so that they may assist with these advocacy efforts on behalf of dental hygienists in Illinois! 

"It's amazing what we can accomplish, when we're in it together." - Author Unknown

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