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DCFS Mandated Reporter Training

15 Jan 2020 9:23 PM | Anonymous

As of January 1, 2020 - Every six years, dental hygienists are required to take Mandated Reporter training. (See section "K" of the Act - link below) 

DCFS offers training "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse:  Training for Mandated Reporters." Here is the link to the FREE online training:  https://mr.dcfstraining.org/UserAuth/Login!loginPage.action  

If you are interested in reading the entire Abused and Neglect Child Reporting Act, the link is provided below.  In it, Dental Hygienists are listed as mandated reporters if we suspect child abuse.  This Act also applies to Adult abuse.  Here's the link:  http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1460&ChapterID=32

For information about the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, please click here:  https://www2.illinois.gov/dcfs/safekids/reporting/Pages/index.aspx

Call the 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline at 800-25-ABUSE (800-252-2873 or TTY 1-800-358-5117) if you suspect that a child has been harmed or is at risk of being harmed by abuse or neglect. If you believe a child is in immediate danger of harm, call 911 first. Your confidential call will not only make sure the child is safe, but also help provide the child’s family the services they need to provide a safe, loving and nurturing home.

400 E. Randolph St., Suite 3115

Chicago, IL 60601
(800) 550-4342

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