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IDHA Rebuttal to the misinformation sent out by ISDS

1 May 2021 1:17 PM | Anonymous

The Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS) sent out a fact sheet with misinformation to their member dentists and also to IL Senators discussing the dental hygienists of Illinois, and also IDHA's intentions of the recent access to care legislation regarding the PHDH certification. This misinformation was toted and boasted about even further during a recent publicized meeting called the 2021 Capitol Conference held by ISDS on April 28, 2021.

Please review the Fact Vs. Fiction sheet created by IDHA to help squash this misinformation and bring to light the facts regarding what a PHDH is and can do. IDHA also addressed further disparaging remarks directed towards dental hygienists in IL.

Let's put this misinformation to rest once and for all and move forward with professionalism like the true professionals us dental hygienists are.

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Chicago, IL 60601
(800) 550-4342

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