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**Lastest update added September 25th 2021

FDA AUTHORIZES BOOSTER DOSE OF PFIZER Covid-19 VACCINE: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-authorizes-booster-dose-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-certain-populations


VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS: https://www.illinois.gov/government/executive-orders/executive-order.executive-order-number-20.2021.html

Vaccine Distribution Information:

IDHA Update of the Illinois Vaccine Plan on Dec 18: Vaccine Rollout Update.pdf

To register for your opportunity to receive one of the COVID-19 vaccines, please locate your local county health department's website. Most county health department websites have a dedicated sign up on a specified vaccine information page. Otherwise, contact them directly by email or phone call. Others have been getting notices by following their county health departments on social media.

Message from Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association:

The Illinois Dental Hygienists’ Association recognizes the impact that COVID-19 has had on our patients and dental hygienists.  IDHA will continue to advocate for the health and safety of the community and all Illinois dental hygienists as this situation unfolds further. IDHA will be aligning with the Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS) to be sure we are all #SafeAtWork when we do return, because let's face it, staying home is not a permanent solution here. The ADA has recently released an interim guidance for returning to work. Within this guidance includes interim mask and face shield guidelines.

IDHA agrees with the recommendation released by the American Dental Association that Elective/Non-Emergency procedures be postponed until further notice.     Please see this updated return to work statement from IDHA.

IDHA agrees with the recommendation released by the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH on the interim guidelines on how to proceed with routine dental care SAFELY.   Please read their SIREN Notification sent out on May 8, 2020.

IDHA will continue to update dental hygienists as new information becomes available to us and the general public. We are all in this together! As this situation has been changing rapidly, we hope that you are able to remain safe and healthy. Visit our Facebook page for faster updates. Please visit an article on our Latest News page for important COVID related resources, including how to report for non compliance.

In the meantime if you have questions concerning COVID-19, or issues related to this, contact:

ADHA – rdhcovidinfo@adha.net

ADHA Return to Work Task Force adhacovidtaskforce@adha.net.

CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/caring-for-patients.html

OSHA - https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/

Illinois Department of Public Health: 1-800-889-3931 - http://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/diseases-a-z-list/coronavirus 
Illinois Department of Employment Security - https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default.aspx?fbclid=IwAR2Ww7Yj44QxGMBZGUMC6uV1tMsNBBXJLkhI1MLOZzKJvMm2__qgWvrQo4g

You can also contact Governor Pritzker to advocate on behalf of yourself and fellow dental hygienists:  https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/gov/contactus/Pages/default.aspx

Stay up to date on ADHA'S website: https://www.adha.org/covid19 

IDHA Advocacy for Illinois

IDHA Letter Sent to Governor Pritzker and IDPH Director Dr. Ezike Regarding Dental Hygienists Being Granted Expanded Functions to Administer Vaccinations to the Public: IDHA - COVID 19 Vaccine Corospondance SF.pdf

IDHA Important Bulletin Regarding CPR and CE Requirements on Dec 1: CPR and CE updates Dec 2020.pdf

IDHA OSHA Guidance on May 16: IDHA OSHA Guidance.pdf

ADHA Return to Work Guidance on May 8: https://www.adha.org/adha-interim-guidance-on-returning-to-work

IDHA Return to Work Guidance on May 5:   IDHA Return to Work Guidance.pdf

IDHA Letter to Governor Pritzker on April 28:   4-28 letter10001.pdf        4-28 letter20001.pdf

IDHA Letter to Governor Pritzker on March 22:    COVID_Letter_to_Governor.pdf

On April 27, 2020, during the Governor's press conference, Governor Pritzker apologized for misspeaking over the weekend of April 25-26 when he stated that dental offices were never instructed to close. See his statement here, fast forward to 14:50 within the video.

April 21, 2020: ADHA Call to Action

This Action Center initiative is led by the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), the only association representing the professional interests of the nation’s licensed dental hygiene community. For more information, visit ADHA.org.

We are aware many states are preparing to reopen the economy, including some dental offices, as early as this week. We know that access to appropriate PPE is a significant concern for the dental hygiene community. We need to unite and ensure our governors step up to support dental hygienists and ensure their access to appropriate PPE should their employer dental offices reopen. In order to protect the dental team and patients, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) continues to support the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in recommending dental facilities postpone elective procedures, surgeries, and non-urgent dental visits, and prioritize urgent and emergency visits and procedures now and for the coming several weeks Governors need to hear your concerns about returning to work.  To get started, click on image below, enter your contact information to identify your governor. Please consider personalizing your message. When finished, click "send message." 

SIREN notification email sent out by the Illinois Department of Public Health on April 14th has released documention regarding the mandate of dental office closures to routine dental care, along with guidelines for measures to take while seeing patients.  See these reports below. You can also find this information on the SIREN website at www.siren.illinois.gov. If you did NOT receive this email, you can opt in for these updates at http://www.dph.illinois.gov/siren  

20200414_Oral_Health_Community_Guida (2).pdf

20200414_Oral_Health_Community_Guida (1).pdf


While your membership has never been more important as we advocate at the highest levels for the health and safety of all dental hygienists, we want to offer some needed relief during this difficult time.

This is an opportunity for us to come together, and come out stronger, as a united community. Thank you for supporting ADHA. If you have questions about your membership, please email member.services@adha.net

March 24, 2020 Update from Matt Crespin:

March 20, 2020 Update from Matt Crespin:

March 16, 2020 Update by Matt Crespin, ADHA President:

400 E. Randolph St., Suite 3115

Chicago, IL 60601
(800) 550-4342

© 2024 IDHA – Illinois Dental Hygienists' Association 

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